

Membership in Chi Omega is for a lifetime. Our network of Sisters and the spirit of Chi Omega are a home wherever you are. We invite you to connect!



Are you a long time member of Chi Omega? of Cleveland East Alumnae?  Please consider sending in your dues for this year now.  Chi Omega is one of the few sororities whose national does not assess  alumnae dues, but your local alumnae chapter does depend on dues to continue philanthropies and member recognition (50 year pins, etc).   Thank you.

Join the Cleveland East Alumnae      

This year we may meet virtually for some events.  We welcome any members to join our Board of directors.   

 If you are new to Cleveland know that we are here for you.  We aim to offer something for every sister.  Join us for monthly meetings, fun activities, socials, service projects, and life long learning as your schedule permits. We have a Book Club which regularly meets for lunch/dinner. Sign up now to be included on the list to be notified of meetings.  If your life does not allow for active participation we encourage you to keep connected by maintaining your paid membership and join us at events when you can.  Paid members get free admission to meetings,  newsletters, a directory of members, Panhel membership, and Sisterhood.   We welcome your support in the form of donations to our philanthropies:  our scholarship fund and Make-a-Wish.  Chi Omega Alumnae who are initiated members of Chi Omega living in  Cleveland are invited to join.


Membership Form

You can pay dues anytime online. We accept the safe and and easy Paypal or the traditional check! 

Click here to download and view our  Cleveland East Chi O Membership form


Dues Payment

You can pay dues anytime on line.  We accept the safe and easy Paypal or the traditional check. 


IT IS TME TO PAY YOUR 2022-2023 DUES!!!     Our year runs from July 1 - June 30
PAY  DUES  via PAYPAL:  It's easy!  Just click on buy now and choose your payment form.

Your payment of $26 includes $1 to cover most of the paypal fee. 



MAIL CHECK ($25 payable to Cleveland East Chi Omega Alumnae)TO TREASURER :

Sandi Russ, 4332 River St., Willoughby OH 44094






In an effort to plan meetings and events that encourage attendance we have the following survey

Please fill it out and send it to Nancy T at