


Cleveland East Chi Omega Alumnae



Cleveland Chi Omega Alumnae

Sometime between 1920 and 1928 four Chi O alums started our Cleveland chapter. For more than 30 years they alternated their monthly meetings between the east and west sides. But in 1953 the group was split into two distinct chapters, who join together for an annual founders day celebration in April. We continue to have a close relationship with our west side sisters and work together on special projects like Make-a-Wish, Cleveland Panhellenic,  and Chi-O-Hio Day.

Our chapter has been active for over 60 years, has a scholarship fund for local collegiates, participates in Panhellenic events, and contributes to Make-a-Wish.  We enjoy continuing sisterhood thru monthly meetings. Many local philanthropies have benefited from our efforts. We also have members who have acted as advisors for Kent State University and John Carroll University and have been on the Ohio State Board.

We are active members of Cleveland Alumnae Panhellenic Association and participate in their events. In 2013 - 2014 we held the presidency.  Lead by Nancy Toth, Omicron Delta, we celebrated CAPA's 100th anniversary with 300 sorority women attending a grand luncheon at The Ritz in Cleveland. Many of our members are also actively involved in their  community, serving on boards of arts,church, education, garden, and medical organizations. 

Chi Omegas from 28 different chapters, ages 24 to 90+, living on the east side of Cleveland.   For the past year we have been operating with an Executive Board  Committee covering all the necessary officer duties.  We welcome all sisters interested in getting involved to find out what you can do. Contact us at cleveastchios@gmail.com.   Past officers are willing to support any new board members.  Recently, Vicky Colby stepped up and accepted Scholarship Chair.  Thanks Vicky! This year Sammantha Waddell has joined us as a new alum.  Welcome Sam!



We have a closed group on Facebook: Chi Omega Alumnae Cleveland East.  Visit our group and ask to join. 

Sign up to receive our Newsletters sent out thru Mailchimp  here: http://eepurl.com/BCbUf .  You can read past newsletters too.

Receive invitations to our events sent thru EVITE.  Send your current email to us at cleveastchios@gmail.com

Keep up with Cleveland Alumnae Panhellenic Association at http://clevelandpanhellenic.org and on Facebook.

See complete membership information on the MEMBERSHIP PAGE.


Chi O Sisters at Holly Capron's wedding.


Cardinal & Straw Tea
Cardinal & Straw Tea  



May Lunch at Nan Kermode's













































These photos show just a few of our many and varied activities. We enjoy continuing sisterhood, meeting monthly between September and June.  We have a Book Club, Dine-outs, programs, Christmas Brunch, Spring lunch, and go to theater & movies.  For many years we met on the first Tuesday of the month, often at members homes. Now meeting times, dates, and locations vary.  In April we share an Eleusina with the west side ChiOs or Chi-O-Hio Day. In May/June we recognize 50 yr + members, past presidents and install new officers.









Our proudest achievement is the establishment of a scholarship fund within the Chi Omega Foundation.  Thru the Cleveland East Chi Omega Alumnae Scholarship Fund we award  $1000 annually to a Cleveland Area Chi Omega collegian.  For more detail and application form see the Scholarship Tab.  Donations to the fund are tax-deductible.  You may send a check (payable to Chi Omega Foundation, memo: Cleveland East Chi Omega Scholarship Fund) to ourFoundation Trustee: Nancy Toth, 8153 Cloveridge Road, Chagrin Falls, OH 44022  OR pay via Paypal here:




ChiOs at CAPA 1st Happy Hour  1/2014
Peg, Jean & Ede at Book Club